Begonijas AmeriHybrid Pink ruffled1000 pill
Norādītā cena ir spēkā, pasūtot preci 27.12.2024.
Kamolbegonijas, AmeriHybrid sērija, 'Pink' - ar izcili lieliem ziediem, 20-23 cm diametrā
Begonia x tuberosa
Ziedēšanas laiks : pavasaris-rudens
Augums : Stāvs
Stādīšanas attālums: 30 - 41cm
Augstums : 36 - 51cm
Platums : 25 - 30cm
Vieta: Ēna, daļēja saule
Grower Information :
Seed supplied as: Pelleted.
Big, bold begonias
Amerihybrid tuberous begonias provide a wide selection of colours, including unique bicolours, along with some of the world’s largest blooms! This exciting collection can be sold at a premium price point at retail, and it results in faster turnover in the market.
Plug crop time: 7 to 8 weeks
Transplant to finish: 11 to 15 weeks
- At 5 to 9 in./13 to 23 cm each, AmeriHybrid Ruffled begonias boast the largest blooms in the world! That’s the result of over 100 years of patient breeding and hybridising.
- Each flower has a highly consistent double shape.